Thursday 16 May 2013

The Halifax Bruising Banditas logo design

 And now for something a little bit different...

I was asked by Liz Markey of the Halifax Bruising Banditas to design a new team logo for them [incorporating the original brand logo] for their new bout strips. We decided on a masked derby player in the style of my Roller Grrrls project and making it fun. The target was a late addition in the day as we needed a background and it kinda made sense and made for a great design element. The fist tattoo is another nod to the original logo design and works very well in the context of our character.

Overall I am delighted to be part of the team bout design process. Taut Clothing did an amazing job finishing off the tops and Sue Perman is seen here modelling the finished design.  The group shot also shows how Bad-Ass the girls look when they are bouting together!


Unknown said...

The logo design is pretty creative and it does not need any kind of changes. I would like to appreciate your logo design. Logo Design Blog

Kathleen Doucet said...

Well, the logo for Bruising Banditas is really so good and a perfect example for a business logo design and hope the same logo will bring good luck to your business.

Unknown said...
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David Worren said...

The logo is very conceptual and the character is same as the person shown in the pictures. Logo Design

Unknown said...

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Custom Logo Design Services said...

This logo is so creative and unique. I love the simplicity of the design and how it leaves the viewer to think about what they are looking at. The colors are so vibrant, and I love the font. This logo is really eye-catching and will help to make my logo stand out. More Info unlimited graphic design services

lom said...

The logo design is very creative and beautiful
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