Thursday, 10 November 2011

Cyclops. Convention sketch. London MCM.

Cyclops. One of three drawn on the day.

Darth Vader - Star Wars commission.

The third (and fourth) Star Wars commission from Paris Manga is the Dark Lord of the Sith himself: Darth Vader. The light sabre image was a particular favourite with the fans and I loved putting the reflection of Obi Wan Kenobi in the glass eyes of his mask. Probably did about four of these over a weekend. This is the only copy to hand but the reflection is present.

The hand gesture Vader is a classic pose and I was very pleased with the finished result!

Boba Fett - Star Wars commission.

Another Star Wars commission from Paris Manga. This one was for BobaDave of the 59th Legion Star Wars re-enactment group. A great bunch of guys (and the girl who plays Leia) I was joined by current Star Wars inker Julien Hugonnard-Bert. We were both suitably kilted for the event! See more of the group here.


Han Solo and Chewbacca - Star Wars commission.

What it says on the tin.


Another quick sketch from Aviles. Thanos is a character I have been asked to draw before. Always tricky when you have never worked on the book or series. Thankfully most of the fans now bring comics or phones with reference along to the event. Makes life a lot easier that way!